Why is networking important?
Building and maintaining a professional network, both offline and online, is a key requirement for all researchers and an effective network can have a very positive effect on your career, whether it is in academic research or beyond. In addition, taking the time to ensure that your professional profile presents you, your skills, experience, values and interests in the way that you would like to be perceived by others is worth the effort.
This course focusses on how to establish and build a network both online and offline, and how to design a unique networking strategy that works for you. Participants will be encouraged to consider their digital profile, who they want to engage with and how networking can support their career plans and goals.
Who is this course for?
This course is designed specifically for researchers working in universities and institutes. The content of the course is for staff and students from any field of study and any stage of their career, though we think it will be of particular interest to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.
The course content is presented using a variety of formats such as text, images and videos to suit a range of studying preferences. It is designed to fit into a researcher’s busy schedule, therefore it is short, concise and can be completed in your own time.
What do I need?
All of the content is contained within the course, so all you will need is a quiet space, a computer or mobile device, an internet connection and headphones so that you can hear the sound on the videos. The course contains videos, images, visual explanations of concepts, text and quizzes. We hope you enjoy it!
Comments from researchers who recently took this course:
"Every early career researcher needs to know and execute exactly the guides provided in this course. For me it was a good eye opener, an interactive step by step and user friendly."
"Excellent. This course clarifies the concept of a professional profile and forms it could assume. Following that, examples of displaying a professional profile online are laid out. Finally, the importance, advantages, and techniques of networking are discussed. Great and concise course."
"Between the start and finish of the course my LinkedIn connections with leading specialists worldwide increased dramatically. This speaks for itself."
"I would recommend it. A guide to optimising your online presence - social media and personal website. It summarises best approach for networking, especially at conference based on individual network strategy."